Larisa Amariei logo for Somatic Coaching, Life Purpose Coaching, Mind-Body Connection, Personal Growth, Emotional Wellbeing.

The foundation of my practice.

At the core of my practice is the belief that you possess an inherent capacity to realise your full potential.

I can assist you in the following areas of life

Connect with the aliveness you know you can feel in life. Discover your life purpose and align your life, both personally and professionally, with your values.

Live an embodied life, sense the connection with your body. Feel safe, present, and aware of your sensations and emotions.

Improve the relationship with yourself — connect with what it means to accept and cherish yourself.

Explore new career trajectories and transition into a fulfilling career.

Learn how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries.

Evaluate your options and embody them when making decisions.

Establish habits and behaviours that support the direction in which you see yourself growing.

Discover your gifts and how to utilise them in life.

Session insights

In a session, we partner in a co-creative process to ignite the forward-moving life you wish to create.

In practice, a session involves having a conversation about something in your life that you’d like to explore, and I will support your sense-making through open and exploratory questions. 

I might invite you to start noticing sensations in your body from a place of curiosity and presence with what emerges. This emergence is a felt sense, a gut-like knowing that may be difficult to name at first but might carry with it an emotion or an image and has a forward-moving, unfolding quality.

At times, we will use imagination, metaphor, or movement, and we may experiment with embodied practices that can support you both during our sessions and when incorporated into daily life.

My offer and prices

I offer the following packages  for 1:1 coaching sessions

Intro session                              20 min                               Free 

3 sessions package               3 x 60 min                      240 Euro  

6 sessions package               6 x 60 min                     450 Euro  

Intro session                   20 min               Free 

3 session package      3 x 60 min       240 Euro  

6 session package      6 x 60 min      450 Euro  

   The sessions are offered online, over Google meet, with the option for in-person sessions in Berlin.

   I offer sessions in English, Romanian and Italian.

Concessionary rates are possible for students and unemployed, please contact me for availability.

Take the first step.

Book a free 20-minutes session to get to know each other, explore my approach to somatic coaching, and see if working together would be the right fit for you.

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© 2024 Larisa Amariei. All rights reserved.

(Do you have questions? Feel free to reach out.)

What is on your mind?