Larisa Amariei logo for Somatic Coaching, Life Purpose Coaching, Mind-Body Connection, Personal Growth, Emotional Wellbeing.

Certified Somatic Coach

Supporting you as you move towards the life you intend to live.

What is a life purpose that resonates with you?
How can you move closer to it?

Experiencing the connection between mind and body can naturally support your forward-moving journey, helping you expand in areas where you seek growth.

In our sessions, you are invited to explore the realms of being, feeling, and sensing. Here, you can connect with a deeper, visceral understanding of your opportunities.

Explore the essence of my approach to Coaching

Hi, I am Larisa.

I am a certified somatic personal coach with a background in building digital products for millions.

My work and exploration of the world are driven by deep presence and curiosity about the human experience.

I believe you possess all the inherent resources needed to realise your full potential. My role is to support you in uncovering and utilising these gifts as you move towards the life you intend to create.

Notes from clients

Take the first step.

Book a free 20-minutes session to get to know each other, explore my approach to somatic coaching, and see if working together would be the right fit for you.

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© 2024 Larisa Amariei. All rights reserved.

(Do you have questions? Feel free to reach out.)

What is on your mind?