Larisa Amariei logo for Somatic Coaching, Life Purpose Coaching, Mind-Body Connection, Personal Growth, Emotional Wellbeing.

Hi, I am Larisa.

I am a certified somatic personal coach with The Somatic School, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

As part of my continued professional development, I am training as a trauma-informed Somatic Experiencing® practitioner.

In the moment, for the moment.

I believe the human experience is a rich and adventurous journey,
which can lead us to unexpected places.
When we are truly present and aware of where we stand,
we can see the pathways that lead us towards the life we envision.

Mind and body,
for a whole-being connection.

Germany is the 3rd country that became my home after growing up in Romania and spending six years studying and living in Italy. Since 2016, I have been based in Berlin.

My journey began with a background in Computer Science, starting my career in software engineering in Milan.

Later, I moved to Berlin to join one of the fastest-growing tech communities in Europe. Here, I worked with startups from their early stages through to becoming Unicorns, building digital products used by millions of users while taking on roles ranging from software engineering to leading engineering teams, with a focus on leadership, mentorship, and supporting individual growth.

In my private life, I became interested in balancing the highly cognitive and fast-paced professional environment by cultivating daily meditation, as well as embodied practices such as yoga, movement, and contemporary dance. These practices allowed me to observe the interconnectedness between mental and bodily states and begin experiencing what it means to live an embodied life.

I have found firsthand that integrating mind and body allows for an expanded whole-being connection. This connection can serve as guidance towards an aligned and forward-moving life.

Around my 10th year career anniversary, I spent a 3-months sabbatical in Nepal, India and Thailand. Taking the time to pause and inquire  led to profound insights and shifts.

I connected with a deep intention to expand my professional expertise and learn frameworks that would allow me to share, on a larger scale, the skills I had been developing intuitively to support myself and those around me.

The commitment to being intentional in how I engage with the world, along with the desire to support others in moving towards the life they envision, led me to train as a somatic coach.

Somatic coaching is a body-oriented approach to coaching that aims to connect the whole self, both body and mind, by complementing cognitive processes with the wisdom that emerges from the body.

After certifying as a Somatic Coach in early 2024, I chose to continue training as a trauma-informed Somatic Experiencing®(SE) practitioner and I find that integrating SE tools into my coaching practice greatly supports clients in connecting with life on a visceral level.

I am deeply grateful to witness others experiencing insights, shifts and understanding when they are in touch with what is present in their body and mind.

Take the first step.

Book a free 20-minutes session to get to know each other, explore my approach to somatic coaching, and see if working together would be the right fit for you.

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© 2024 Larisa Amariei. All rights reserved.

(Do you have questions? Feel free to reach out.)

What is on your mind?